Arte Cemiterial (Cemetery art ) 1971 artist book,
documentation of an action
Arte Cemiterial: A família Bruscky convida
(The Bruscky family invites) 1971, holy card
Arte Cemiterial: Bruscky anuncia uma nova mostra de arte - Diário de Pernambuco
(Bruscky announces a new art show - Diary of Pernambuco) 1971, original newspaper clipping
Arte Cemiterial: Arte Cemiterial proibida na Empetur - Jornal do Commercio
(Cemetery Art banned at Empetur - Jornal do Commercio) 1971, original newspaper clipping
Arte/Pare (Art/Stop) 1973 artist book,
documentation of an action
Enterro aquático I (Burial at sea I) 1972,
artist book, documentation of an action
Collection of Fernando and Camila Abdalla
O que é arte? Para que serve? (What is art? What is it for?) 1978, artist book, documentation of an action
Artexpocorponte (ArtExpoBodyBridge) 1971,
artist book, documentation of an action
In-forma (In-form) 1974, artist book
A morte da ponta do lápis no papel (The death of the pencil’s tip on the paper) 1977, artist book
Untitled 1971, artist book
Untitled 1978, artist book
Atitude do Artista / Atitude do Museu (The artist’s attitude / the attitude of the museum) 1978, artist book, documentation of an action
Collection of Eduardo and Camila Barella
Via crucis 1978, artist book
3 x 4 Show 1978, artist book
Amarração do espaço (Space lashing) 1977, artist book
Recomposição da Paisagem (Recomposition of the landscape) 1977, artist book
AlimentAção (FeedAction) 1978 photographs and pen on paper
AlimentAção (FeedAction) 1978, artist book
Constelações (Constellations) 1978 artist book
Performance: Expressão alinhavada (Performance: Basted expression) 1978 artist book
Artecópiarte (ArtCopyArt) 1979 artist book
O meu cérebro desenha assim (My brain draws like this) 1976, envelope containing 19 xerographies
Invasão tática I (Tactical invasion I) 1978, artist book, xerographies
Marcel Duchamp a 200 km por hora (Marcel Duchamp at 200 km/hour) 1979 artist book, xerographies
Xeroperformance (Xeroxperformance) 1980, artist book, xerographies
Reflex/o(ão) 1976, artist book
O Sarcófago (The sarcophagus) 1978 artist book
Sai da frente que eu vou gozar (Out of my way I’m coming) 1983, artist book
O Eu Comigo (Me with myself) 1978 artist book
Lógica x acaso (Logic x chance) 1984 artist book
Moderna enciclopédia de pesquisas atuais (Modern encyclopedia of current research) 1978, artist book
Música visual (Visual music) 1984 artist book
Esculturas (Sculptures) 1987 / 1988 artist book
Poemas urbanos (Rua poética) - Rua Amélia (Urban poems (poetic Street) - Amelia Street) 1980, artist book
Naturilis Eroticus 1980, artist book
Fungo (Fungus) 1988, artist book
Moradia x Ilusão (Housing x Illusion) 1986 / 1987, artist book
Sobrevivente de atentado, esta árvore se recusa a morrer. Procura-se alguém capaz de salvá-la (Survivor from assassination attempt, this tree refuses to die. Searching for someone that cares about saving it.) 1987, artist book
Mondrivitich 1982, artist book
Siprogógno 1987, artist book
Proxêmica 1982, artist book
Anotações (Notes) 1980, artist book
Alto retrato (Self-tall portrait) 1981 artist book
Untitled 1982, envelope, 12 post cards
Mostruário poético (Poetic showroom) 1982, artist book
Composições no fio - Partituras mutantes (Compositions on wire - Mutant scores) 1979, artist book
Composições no fio - Partituras mutantes II (Compositions on wire - Mutant scores II) 1982, artist book
Martanhas (SeaMountains, landscapes) 1989, artist book
Nas entrelinhas da semiótica (In between the lines of semiotics) 1990 artist book, intervention on book
Literatura de Vai-e-Vem ou Bumerangue (Swinging or boomerang literature) 1989, artist book
Collection of Fernando and Camila Abdalla
História político - administrativa social e econômica do Brasil (Political history: The administrative socieconomic history of Brazil) 1990, artist book
Private Collection, São Paulo
Babel 1991, artist book
Pátria (Homeland) 1993, artist book
Collection of Luciana Calheiros and Aurélio Velho
Diagnóstico (Diagnosis) 1992, artist book
Estética (Aesthetics) 1992, artist book
Personas 1993, artist book
Sensations 1993, interventions on photographs
Livro projetável: Transparence IV (Projectable book: Transparence IV) 1993 artist book
Pós-Modernistas (Post-Modernists) 1992, artist book
Linha Poética (Poetic Line) 1992, artist book
Conflito de papéis (Paper conflict) 1993, artist book
Palavra imágica (Imag(e)ic word) 1986, artist book
Percurso (Pathways) 1993, artist book
Reflex 1993, artist book
Literatura Futurista (Futurist literature) 1993, artist book
Agenda 1993, artist book
Palarva (Bookworm) 1992, artist book
Collection of Geyze Diniz
Livrobjetojogo (BookObjectGame) 1993, artist book, metal plates and magnets
Collection of Sérgio and Mariana Indio da Costa Werlang
Livrobjetojogo (BookObjectGame) 1993, artist book, metal plates and magnets
Collection Daniel and Estrellita B. Brodsky
Arquivo da memória 1 (Memory archive 1) 1994, artist book, found objects
Arte: dicionário de termos comerciais (Art: dictionary of commercial terms) 2008, artist book
Livrobjetobraberta dose poética II
(BookObjectOpenWork poetic dosage II) 2014, artist book, glass
Nadaísmo - edição comemorativa dos 40 anos (Nothingism, 40th anniversary commemorative edition) 2014, artist book
Atas (Knots) 2008, artist book
Private Collection, São Paulo
Literatura Bulesca (Drug leaflet literature) 2012, artist book
Com passos da Amazônia (Amazon steps) 2008, artist book
Intersigne III 1993 artist book, computer plaques
Livrobjetojogo (BookObjectGame) 1993, artist book
Fragmento I e II (Fragment I and II) 1995, artist book
Arquivo da memória 2 (Memory archive 2) 1996, artist book
Private Collection, São Paulo
Enterro aquático II (Burial at sea II) 1972
Arte/Pare (Art/Stop) 1973
O que é arte? Para que serve? (What is art? What is it for?) 1978
Lógica x acaso (Logic x chance) 1986
Retrato sem sentidos (Portrait with no sense(s)) 1993
O Sarcófago (The Sarcophagus) 1977
O Eu Comigo (Me with Myself) 1978 / 2013