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Americas Society and Council of the Americas:

Arte Sur:

Center for Aesthetic Revolution:


Center for Italian Modern Art:

Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros:

Flora ars + natura:

Fundação Joaquim Nabuco:

Fondazione Prada:

François Pinault Foundation:

Fundación Gego:

Hunter College:

Institute of Fine Arts, New York University:

Misol Fundación para las artes:

Museu de Arte do Rio:

Museo Experimental el Eco:

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia:

Museum of Modern Art, New York:

New Museum:

Proyectos Ultravioleta:

SAM Art Projects:

Studio Museum in Harlem:

Tate Modern:

The Metropolitan Museum:

Triple Canopy:

Zabludowicz Collection:

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