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Le Mouvement 1955

October 1, 2024 - January 24, 2025

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Yaacov Agam

(Israel, b. 1928)

Constellation, 1956

Relief, painted wood and metal

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

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Yaacov Agam

(Israel, b. 1928)

Surface rythmée couleur / mouvement (Rhythmic Color / Movement Surface),1957

Painted metal, nylon string and wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Yacoov Agam

(Israel, b. 1928)
Relief Accentué (Accentuated Relief),1958
Painted wood with 7 removable painted elements in artist’s frame

Private Collection. Courtesy of Henrique Faria, New York


Carmelo Arden Quin

(Uruguay, b.1913 – France, d. 2010)

Arturo II, 1943

Lacquer on wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

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Carmelo Arden Quin

(Uruguay, b.1913 – France, d. 2010)

Orbites (Orbits), 1951

Mixed Media

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

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Carmelo Arden Quin

(Uruguay, b.1913 – France, d. 2010)

Untitled, 1952

Lacquer on wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

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Martha Boto

(Argentina, b.1925- France, d. 2004)

Labyrinthe Cilindrique (Mouvement-Lumière),1965-67

Mixed media

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

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Robert Breer

(USA, b. 1926 – d. 2011)

Untitled, 1950s

Oil on canvas

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

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Robert Breer

(USA, b. 1926 – d. 2011)

Float Porcupine, 1967-2007

Cut foam, wooden sticks, motor and wheels

Courtesy of gb agency / seize avril, Paris


Robert Breer

(USA, b. 1926 – d. 2011)

and Pontus Hultén

(Sweden, b. 1924 – d. 2006)

Le Mouvement (The Movement), 1955

Film, 14 minutes

Courtesy of gb agency / seize avril, Paris

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Pol Bury

(Belgium, b. 1922 – France, d. 2005)

34 Balls on 3 Levels, 1967

Brass, motorized

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

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Pol Bury

(Belgium, b. 1922 – France, d. 2005)

44 tiges de cuivre marteles sur fond bois noir (44 Hammered Copper Rods on Black Background), 1967

Wall relief with hammered copper on wood with electric motor

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Alexander Calder

(USA, b. 1898 – d. 1976)

Untitled (Standing Mobile), c. 1955

Sheet metal, copper wire and paint

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Alexander Calder

(USA, b. 1898 – d. 1976)

Untitled, 1956

Painted metal

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Alexander Calder

(USA, b. 1898 – d. 1976)

Untitled (Standing Mobile), c. 1965

Sheet metal, brass, wire and paint

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Omar Carreño

(Venezuela, b. 1927 – d. 2013)

Dos Azules (Two Blues), 1953
Ripolin on wood

Private Collection. Courtesy of Henrique Faria, New York


Omar Carreño

(Venezuela, b. 1927 – d. 2013)

Transformable S.J.B. No.1, 1979

Signed and dated on bottom right and on verso

Lacquer on wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Narciso Debourg

Concave/Convex, 1968

Plaka on wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Marcel Duchamp

(France, b. 1887 – d. 1968)

Anémic Cinéma, 1926

Film, Running time: 7 minutes

Courtesy of Aeon Media Group


María Freire

(Uruguay, b. 1917 - d. 2015)

“B.N.R. 57”, 1957

Pyroxylin lacquer on wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Carmen Herrera

(Cuba, b. 1915 – USA, d. 2022)

Black and White, 1952

Acrylic on canvas and wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Carmen Herrera

(Cuba, b. 1915 – USA, d. 2022)

Untitled, 1947-48

Acrylic on canvas

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Robert Jacobsen

(Denmark, b. 1912 – d. 1993)

problème de forme (Form Problem), 1953

Black iron

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Nikolai Kasak

(Russia, b. 1917 – USA, d. 1994)

Construction of Positive and Negative - Bird 1, 1945-1947

Tempera on paper

Estate of Nikolai Kasak


Nikolai Kasak

(Russia, b. 1917 – USA, d. 1994)

Star of Positive and Negative 2, 1947

Color pencil on paper

Estate of Nikolai Kasak


Nikolai Kasak

(Russia, b. 1917 – USA, d. 1994)

Star of Positive and Negative Space, 1949

Wood and space

Estate of Nikolai Kasak


Nikolai Kasak

(Russia, b. 1917 – USA, d. 1994)

Key - Linear White, 1950

Wood and space

Estate of Nikolai Kasak


Gyula Kosice

(Czechoslovakia, b. 1924 – Argentina, d. 2016)

Televisor Hidraulizado 2 (Hydraulized Television 2), 1956

Acrylic on aluminum with electric motor

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Julio Le Parc

(Argentina, b. 1928)

Jeu Visuel (Visual Game), 1966

Wood and motor

Courtesy of the artist and Nara Roesler


Julio Le Parc

(Argentina, b. 1928)

Continuel-lumière avec 36 cylindres (Continuous-Light with 36 Cylinders), 1967

Wood, stainless steel, motor, light

Courtesy of the artist and Nara Roesler


Antonio Llorens

(Argentina, b. 1920 – Uruguay, d. 1995)

Untitled, 1947

Tempera on cardboard

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Vera Molnár

(Hungary, b. 1924 – France, d. 2023)

Après Mondrian (After Mondrian), 1950

Gouache and pencil on paper

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Lygia Pape

(Brazil, b. 1927 – d. 2004)

Livro dos Caminhos (Book of Paths), 1963/1979

Oil and latex on wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Raúl Pavlotzky

(Israel, b. 1918 – Uruguay, d. 1998)

Proyecto Mural (Mural Project), 1956

Enamel, paint and wire on durabor

Private Collection. Courtesy of Henrique Faria, New York


Jesús Rafael Soto

(Venezuela, b. 1923 – France, d. 2005)

Le Petite Jaune (Little Yellow Mural), 1951-52

Tempera on Wood

Private Collection. Courtesy of Henrique Faria, New York


Jesús Rafael Soto

(Venezuela, b. 1923 – France, d. 2005)

Metamorfosis de un cubo (Metamorphosis of a Cube), 1955

Acrylic mounted on wood

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Grete Stern

(Germany, b. 1904 – Argentina, d. 1999)

Madi, 1947

DuraVinyl Print

Courtesy of Jorge Mara – La Ruche


Jean Tinguely

(Switzerland, b. 1925 ­­– d. 1991)

Relief "Stabilité totale" (Relief “Total Stability”), 1958

Black wood panel, 5 white metal elements, wood pulleys, rubber belts and 220 volts

Courtesy of Galerie George Philippe and Nathalie Vallois


Jean Tinguely

May Fair, 1963

Scrap metal, iron bells, metal wheels and electric motor (220 volts)

Courtesy of Galerie George Philippe and Nathalie Vallois


Victor Vasarely

Malyva, 1954

Signed on reverse

Oil on panel

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

Archival Material 


Arte Madi Universal No. 5, 1951


Courtesy of Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives and Nikolai Kasak Archive



Madi Universal No. 6, 1952


Courtesy of Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives and Nikolai Kasak Archive


Robho No. 3, 1968


Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection



Art Madi International at Galerie Denise René, 1958

Exhibition catalog

Courtesy of Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives and Nikolai Kasak Archive










The Responsive Eye at the Museum of Modern Art, 1965

Exhibition catalog

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection




Le Mouvement / The Movement / Paris 1955 at Denise René, 1975

Exhibition catalog

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection



Mouvement 2 at Denise René, 1964-65

Exhibition Catalog

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Le Manifeste Jaune, 1955/1975

Pamphlet published for the exhibition Le Mouvement at Denise René, 1955

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

Bewogen Beweging at the Stedelijk Museum, 1961

Exhibition catalog

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection

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