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Other worlds, other times, other territories

March 21 - June 17, 2022



(Puerto Rico, b. 1948 – d. 2020)

Coconauts in Space, 2006

20 frames and video with sound

Courtesy of The Estate of Adál Maldonado & Roberto Paradise


Juan Carlos Alom

(Cuba, b. 1964)

Serie Our toys, 2012

Gelatin silver prints

Courtesy of the artist and El Apartamento

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Juan Carlos Alom

(Cuba, b. 1964)

Solo tú cabes en la palma de mi mano, 1994

Gelatin silver print

Courtesy of the artist and El Apartamento

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Álvaro Barrios

(Colombia, b. 1945)

Relicario conteniendo basura de la tumba de Marcel Duchamp, 2018

19th century object with garbage

Courtesy of the artist


Erica Bohm

(Argentina, b. 1976)

Chapter IV / NASA, Capsula II, 2009-2010

Digital photograph mounted on Plexiglas

Courtesy of the artist and The Mission Projects


Ricardo Brey

(Cuba, b. 1955)

Unsettling, 2019-20

Mixed media

Courtesy of the artist and Alexander Gray Associates


Elda Cerrato

(Italy, b. 1930)

El Sueño de la Casita Propia II, from Serie de la Realidad: Sueños, 1976

Acrylic on canvas

Courtesy of the artist and Herlitzka + Faria, Buenos Aires


Elda Cerrato

(Italy, b. 1930)

El Sueño de la Casita Propia III, from Serie de la Realidad: Sueños, 1976

Acrylic on canvas

Courtesy of the artist and Herlitzka + Faria, Buenos Aires


Elda Cerrato

(Italy, b. 1930)

El Sueño de la Casita Propia IV, from Serie de la Realidad: Sueños, 1976

Acrylic on canvas

Courtesy of the artist and Herlitzka + Faria, Buenos Aires


Elda Cerrato

(Italy, b. 1930)

El Sueño de la Casita Propia V, from Serie de la Realidad: Sueños, 1976

Acrylic on canvas

Courtesy of the artist and Herlitzka + Faria, Buenos Aires


Martin Chambí

(Peru, b. 1891 – d. 1973)

Man seated with Andes in Horizon, 1920s

Gelatin silver print

Courtesy of Throckmorton Fine Art, New York


Jesús Eduardo Correa Nache

(Colombia, b. 1985)

Taaw (Chumbe), 2014

Video and digital photographs

Courtesy of the artist and Galería El Dorado, Bogotá-Colombia

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Hugo Crosthwaite

(Mexico, b. 1971)

Roboticlue, 2013

Pencil, charcoal, and acrylic paint on museum board Courtesy of the artist and Luis De Jesus Los Angeles


Juan Downey

(Chile, b. 1940 – d. 1993)

Section AA' Scale 1/2”, from the series Mi casa en la playa, 1975

Graphite and colored pencil on paper

Courtesy of the Estate of Juan Downey


Juan Downey

(Chile, b. 1940 – d. 1993)

Pond: Nature Sanctuary, from the series Mi casa en la playa, 1975

Graphite and colored pencil on paper

Courtesy of the Estate of Juan Downey


Juan Downey

(Chile, b. 1940 – d. 1993)

Being Alone, Sharing, from the series Mi casa en la playa, 1975

Graphite and colored pencil on paper

Courtesy of the Estate of Juan Downey


Jorge Eduardo Eielson

(Peru, b. 1924 – d. 2006)

Piramide di stracci, Sardegna 1965 - Paris 1970 Compressed swimsuits

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Jorge Eduardo Eielson

(Peru, b. 1924 – d. 2006)

Photo of Mulas Family, 1965-2006

Gelatin silver print

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Jorge Eduardo Eielson

(Peru, 1924 – d. 2006)

Amazzonia, 1998

Acrylic and cotton multicolored fabrics on board

Courtesy of Archivio Eielson, Saronno and Il Chiostro, Italy


Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt)

(Germany/Venezuela, b. 1912 – d. 1994)

Untitled, 1987

Ink and serigraphy on paper

Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Adler Guerrier

(Haiti, b. 1975)

Untitled (Place marked with an impulse; purple speckles, extends, and roams; a node linked to other planes of there) ii, 2021

Xerography, acrylic paint, graphite, ink, colored pencil, enamel paint and collage

Courtesy of the artist and Marisa Newman Projects


Graciela Iturbide

(Mexico, b. 1942)

Angel Woman | Mujer ángel, Sonoran Desert, 1980

Gelatin silver print

Courtesy of Throckmorton Fine Art, New York

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José Manuel Mesías

(Cuba, b. 1990)

El ojo del relojero / The Watch Maker's Eye, 2014-18

Glasses, watch parts

Courtesy of the artist and El Apartamento


Sandra Monterroso

(Guatemala, b. 1974)

Columna Vertebral Amarilla, 2011

Textile woven on floor loom, wood, thread

Courtesy of the artist and Sicardi Ayers Bacino


Santiago Montoya

(Colombia, b. 1974)

Wall of Lamentations (XVI), 2017

Paper money on stainless steel

Courtesy of the artist


Julieth Morales

(Colombia, b. 1992)

Socalar, 2019

Silk-screen printing on Misak fabric 

Courtesy of the artist and Galería El Dorado, Bogotá-Colombia

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Rubén Ortíz Torres

(Mexico, b. 1964)

Alien Autopsy from the series Raza Cósmica, 1998

Color photograph on Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper Courtesy of the artist


Rubén Ortíz Torres

(Mexico, b. 1964)

E.S.L. (NY) from the series Raza Cósmica, 1998

Color photograph on Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper Courtesy of the artist

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Rubén Ortíz Torres

(Mexico, b. 1964)

Guatelinda from the series Raza Cósmica, 1998

Color photograph on Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper Courtesy of the artist

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Rubén Ortíz Torres

(Mexico, b. 1964)

Raza Cósmica from the series Raza Cósmica, 1998

Color photograph on Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper Courtesy of the artist

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Rubén Ortíz Torres

(Mexico, b. 1964)

Tacos OVNI from the series Raza Cósmica, 1998

Color photograph on Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper

Courtesy of the artist


Lygia Pape

(Brazil, b. 1927 – d. 2004)

Ttéia 1,A, 1991/2022

Gold polyester thread, nails and light

Courtesy of Projeto Lygia Pape


Manuel Antonio Pichillá

(Guatemala, b. 1982)

Acción de un personaje Ab’aj, 2016

Handcrafted traditional textile, wool thread, maguey Courtesy of the artist, Hugo Quinto and Juan Pablo Lojo Collection, La Antigua – Guatemala


Manuel Antonio Pichillá

(Guatemala, b. 1982)

Glifo de Kukulkán, 2010

Stone and paraffin

Courtesy of the artist, Hugo Quinto and Juan Pablo Lojo Collection, La Antigua – Guatemala


Miguel Angel Rios

(Argentina, b. 1943)

Le premier voyage à l’inconnu, 1993-1994

Cibachrome pencil and acrylic mounted on pleated canvas with push pins

Courtesy of the artist and Sicardi Ayers Bacino


Xul Solar

(Argentina, b. 1887 – d. 1963)

Bau, 1921

Watercolor and gouache on paper, mounted on cardboard

Courtesy of Galería Rubbers, Museo Xul Solar, Herlitzka + Faria, Buenos Aires


Xul Solar

(Argentina, b. 1887 – d. 1963)

Pan ajedrez, ca. 1945

Hardboard with 106 oil-painted, carved wood pieces Estrellita B. Brodsky Collection


Xul Solar

(Argentina, b. 1887 – d. 1963)

Susurran, ca. 1922

Watercolor on paper mounted on card

Courtesy of Galería Rubbers, Museo Xul Solar, Herlitzka + Faria, Buenos Aires


Xul Solar

(Argentina, b. 1887 – d. 1963)

Sin título, 1925

Watercolor and gouache on paper

Courtesy of Galería Rubbers, Museo Xul Solar, Herlitzka + Faria, Buenos Aires


Candelaria Traverso

(Argentina, b. 1991)

Tapiz, 2018

Patchwork on synthetic burlap

Courtesy of the artist and Herlitzka + Faria, Buenos Aires


Unknown artist from the Mezcala culture

Seated Stargazer, 500 BCE - 100 CE

Grey Andesite

Courtesy of Throckmorton Fine Art, New York


Unknown artist from the Olmec civilization

Standing Stargazer Transformation Figure, 900-600 BCE Green jadeite

Courtesy of Throckmorton Fine Art, New York


Meyer Vaisman

(Venezuela, b. 1960)

The Second Sex Change, 1990

Fabric and process links on cotton

Courtesy of Leonora and Jimmy Belilty


Simón Vega

(El Salvador, b. 1972)

Outerspace Colonial Tropical Suit, 2021

Repurposed second hand ‘Hawaiian’ shirts, found materials, bamboo, live plants

Courtesy of Mario Cader-Frech Collection


Santiago Yahuarcani

(Peru, b. 1960)

Covid-19 devora la humanidad, 2021

Natural dyes and acrylic on llanchama

Courtesy of the artist and Crisis Galería, Lima-Peru


Santiago Yahuarcani

(Peru, b. 1960)

Purahua, 2021

Natural dyes and acrylic on llanchama

Courtesy of the artist and Crisis Galería, Lima-Peru

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